Green Measure

D1_Assign01_Orlikowska2195Metropolitan Farms


Continuing my exploration of urban farms, this time I went to the west side of the city, and visited Metropolitan Farms. The tour that I’ve taken was accompanied by witty and explanatory comments of the farm’s CEO- Ben, who walked his visitors through the fields of lettuce and basil, weaving the story of the farm and explaining how it operates. He talked about the aquaponics system, in which the plants are grown thanks to the nutrients created by the fish kept in the same facility and was a great resource for people interested in starting their own businesses.



For me, going to Metro Farms was a particularly interesting experience as it taught me that compromise can really bring people together, and one doesn’t necessarily have to agree on every aspect of the journey, in order to head towards a similar goal. There may be multiple roads that will allow people to get closer to a healthier and more sustainable environment which, at the end of the day, is the ultimate goal all of us are striving for.



Leaving the farm, I was thinking about the utterly simplistic structure of the greenhouse which almost unintentionally aims at leaving its viewers at an awe. Strong afternoon light made every color seem particularly vibrant and alive, reminding me that the Nature is the most skilled artist of all. Once again, the farm cast a spell on me, leaving me enchanted by the sweet smell of freshness and excitement.

What a wonderful place!


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